Sales Manager
Direct Number: | +1.727.513.7455 |
Office Number: | +31 85 8889360 |
Email: | bill@hddbroker.nl |
Spotify: | Playlist |
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I was fortunate to be added to the HDD Broker sales staff at the beginning
of 2010 and worked for a number of years on our retail side in day to day sales.
As time evolved, so did my role with the company, and so I worked on the
purchasing side of our business.
There are many, many awesome aspects to working for the company, but one of the
most rewarding 0en I was in day to day sales, was helping a customer grow his
business and become more than what they were when they purchased their first drill
via HDD Broker. This applies both our domestic and our international clients.
Being able to build that trust and becoming their partner for equipment as their
fleets grow was inspirational for sure.
As I evolved to the purchasing side, it was equally rewarding to be able to help
clients out of sticky financial situations by being able to offer them the best
dollar possible for their equipment as quickly as possible. Being able to give
them certainty of revenue vs. having to submit to the auction process and all
that it entails from a revenue and fee uncertainty perspective has really assisted
many of our customers rebound from the tough financial times of the last few
years. To assist someone in saving a business is a great feeling. Additionally,
we have played a key role in assisting many firms' ability to update the fleet to
newer equipment as the work began to flow again.
Every day is different here at HDD Broker, but in the end, we focus on helping our
customers solve their equipment problems, whether it's buying or selling. Partnering
with our clients to assist in their success is extremely rewarding and one of the
most favourite parts of my job.
Hometown: | Fort Myers, FL |
Education: |
Hobbies: | Boating, Fishing, Lobster Diving |
Start Year: | 2010 |
Favourite Drill: | 36x50S2 with Big pipe/Big pump |
Awards: |